Wednesday, October 16, 2024

One Room Challenge WEEK 3 KIDS BATHROOM: The FLOOR IS IN! All things TILE! Color, Pattern, Grout

WOW. Week 3 of the One Room Challenge is HERE! . October is flashing before my eyes and while I am enjoying the process I am STRESSED. See, this isn't the only thing going on for me right now...more will come I promise I am just trying to stay above water but it will all be worth it soon! This week was the week of making final decisions and TILE! I have just loved being able to explore options, colors..and while in the end I wasn't able to go with my initial inspo, I think I am actually even more happy with what we decided on! I also have a few designer tricks and tips thanks to Daniel of Desired Space! In case you missed out on who Daniel is, check out Part 1 of my Interview with him HERE!  This house was old and while I LOVE old, I am not sure we would have made it to this point without Daniel. This bathroom was oddly shaped, small and big at the same time so I am excited about our direction we are going! 
In case you missed the first 2 weeks of the challenge, you can catch up here! Week 1 ( Before & Inspo) and Week 2 ( Demo, tub, & Daniel's Interview Part 1)

Last week we prepped the bathroom, insulation, dry wall, as well as leveling the floor which was a disaster haha I would rather get into that when we do another room in this home! We did use a waterproof dry wall in the tub area and Adam added in a niche. It is set up to where we could do a double shelf which now that I am realizing haha we need to get! ugh I swear this seems never ending. 

Before I go into the PROGRESS of the room I wanted to share some of tile selection process. Not gonna lie, this picture doesn't show the many other placed we went to, the nights I spent scrolling through inspiration, the trips with my son to the tile store ( arguably my favorite part of this process) and the many phone calls with Daniel exploring all of the BLUE's in all the land haha and realizing that no one knows what COBALT is.. NO ONE. 

The floor tile was probably the easiest. Zev said he wanted the floor to look like the floor in NY. He specifially remembers the bathroom from the Pizza place that Spiderman went to. Our trips to NY during my IVF process was absolutely amazing and I immediately LOVED the idea. The black and white, the small hex it was perfectly classic yet felt so modern. 

I won't even show you the original COBALT blue. I have tons of clips I will share on Instagram of Zev basically picking the tile. He wanted the COBALT but long story short Fire Clay tile just didn't fit into my budget AT ALL. Like $4k over my budget. So we started looking at ALL the other blues. 
Grey blues, Blue Blues, Green Blues...This is at DALTILE here in Vegas and they were so amazing...and thankfully Daniel is a superstar there so we got treated like we had money to remodel like the rich haha 

Anyway if you know me you know I don't do WHITE. I would look so CLEAN...but I don't want clean. I want to feel a spark...and NY made me feel a type of way.. I also don't love anything that seems normal haha but I did want to make Zev happy! 

So we decided on the floor and don't forget the grout! Have you guys ever had to pick grout? I haven't and why have I never even considered grout? Like before now I don't think it ever really came to mind unless it was dirty...and that brings us to our decision. We could have gone with white...but lets be honest, this is a kids bathroom and we all know it was going to turn black anyway haha SO...HERE is the PROGRESS of the floor! 

SOOOOOOO UGH I LOVE IT! It turned out so good and makes the space feel even bigger! Love the shine...didn't think I would like the shine but I do and the black grout is perfect!

I would love to hear your thoughts on the process and progress!! Are you experience with tile or grout? Which blue do you love? I have been loving everyone's progress and excited to post more videos on Instagram! check us out there! CLICK the LOGO below for the other participants! 




INSTAGRAM @Desiredspacellc




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