Thursday, October 24, 2024

One Room Challenge WEEK 4 KIDS BATHROOM: Choosing the right grout for blue tile, ordering the vanity & mirror/medicine cabinet!


Welcome back! It is WEEK 4 of the ONE ROOM CHALLENGE and let me tell you...the pressure is on my friends. If you missed what I am doing check out WEEK 1 HERE  to find out the details! But if you didn't know we actually don't live in this house just yet..yeah long story I may go into soon but thanks to our brother and law and my sister we have been blessed beyond belief....but the pressure is on and we basically have two weeks. That is why the bathroom has taken the priority to get running water and well a shower haha This house has been done backwards and we haven't followed any sort rules when it comes to what you should do first haha Between budget and well time we have just been winging it basically haha with the help of Daniel who basically has been our angel and voice of reason and well therapist if you will. More about Daniel but check out my first part of my interview in WEEK 2 HERE! 

On on to PROGRESS! 

It turned out we are just trying to seal the grout but the black keeps getting everywhere stay tuned for that. We went with the Mapei sealant boy was that hard to find. Also we went with ULTRA BLACK Grout from Mapei as well in case you were wondering...

SO...the next step was finalizing the tile which we did last week...and put the order in FINALLY after giving up on my dream of COBALT blue I am really happy with the color we went with!

Not the best lighting but Daniel came by so we could choose grout. Did I mentioned I HATE choosing grout it stresses me out and for some reason it just seems so difficult to visualize haha but I am getting better...Daniel has helped me see and I feel like I have the hand of it. As you can see with the above pic.
FIRST you must take it in the space it will be in with the lighting and the flooring we can truly see how it will look. 

These are some Mapai options...will share more on the process on instagram if I can sit down and just post some stories! Some were slightly too yellow, maybe a little too blue it was so interesting...we then brought it over to the bathtub and knew the color we wanted needed to be more on the less yellow and more blue toned white it will make the tile pop as we plan on doing a herringbone pattern excited about that! 
But we ultimately ended up going with a Custom Color in Arctic White Not sanded...FYI take pics so you don't forget what you are doing haha

I ddin't even realize it but I was wearing a shirt with a WOLF on it that was literally the color of the son's name is wolf in hebrew...and with that I took it as a sign! haha 

If you saw my inspiration pic you may have seen the Vanity that I ended up choosing in addition to the medicine cabinet/mirror. I did explore other options but honestly we just didn't have the time to search for a mid century piece of furniture and when we priced out a slab of quartzite or marble for the bathroom it turned out to be the SAME cost as this vanity from WEST ELM. I also had a credit card so NO interest AND 10% cash back ( maybe I can get lighting with it ) So they should be delivered this week so follow along on INSTAGRAM for more updates! BUT I loved the color of the wood and it is the same as Zev's Crib that was in his bedroom!

Mid Century Closed Bath VanityDouble V2 QuartzWoodAcorn72 inch

I was initially wanting some sort of vintage mirror but again with timing and also functionality and also the size it must be I was so excited when I found this one!! 

With two small windows on each side I needed something to fit in between...PLUS the fact that it was a medicine cabinet was a I will be honest is it going to bother me that there is a slit in the center...I am not sure...but I think overall I really loved the look we went with the gold brass...

Next week we will be talking fixtures..toilets...and accessories for the bathroom and MORE PROGRESS!!! 




INSTAGRAM @Desiredspacellc



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