Sunday, August 08, 2010

I heart belts...

I am officially addicted to belts...Everytime we go thrifting I always seem to find the cutest are just a few I snatched last weekend! Can't wait to wear them with some skirts, dresses and who knows what! Loving the bright colors too!
What do you guys think?
All belts were thrifted and $.50 each!!!!!!!!!

Now I spent some time searching through accessories and one of my best friends birthday was approaching fast and I was really trying to find some amazing finds. She knows who she is... she will be receiving her finds very soon and I am hoping she will post pics of them with her amazing thrifting outfits!!! Check out this bag I's real!

I almost threw up when I found it...then the shocker...

$4.99 ??? WHAT? Are you serious? Who tagged this thing? The worst is when you are alone thrifting and you find yourself talking to anyone who is around..for me it was this cute Spanish woman who bless her heart had no idea what I was saying but just kept saying..."beautiful bag beautiful" Obviously they didn't know the ridiculously vintage goodness that is this Dooney bag...I actually don't like this brand nor do I like the new bags...but this is like a messenger style old fashioned bag that just tells a story of a women who worked 9-5...always had lip gloss and dressed to impress...who knows..that is what is so awesome about used things...the stories that come with it mean so much more than something new...and it doesn't hurt that you spent under FIVE DOLLARS!

So the heat is still very much a part of the day so skirts have been my friend for work... I love how I keep finding things in my closet I haven't worn in ages...I am also excited that I am actually starting to see some fat come off of me.

I am wearing:

Shirt: Thrifted $2
Skirt: Calvin Klein
Shoes: Nordstroms Rack
Bracelets: Gifted from Mom
Necklace: Nordstroms $3 SALE!
Belt: Thrifted $.50


  1. Nice find on the bag! Congrats on the hunting AND on finding things in the closet that fit AGAIN. Woo Hoo. Just had that happen last week too. It feels awesome.

  2. NIce blog. Your header is to amazing!

  3. I like the purple belt! Also, I know, I love some of the sweet prices you can get for things in thrift feel like you're really getting away with something!

  4. That shirt color is beautiful, such a cute outfit. On an unrelated note, I LOVE your header pic!!!


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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