Thursday, August 18, 2011

Comment of the Week August 18, 2011

So this weeks comment of the week goes to Mary from

Umm, this is amazingness! Love to the birthday beauty! Those pics are killer, like total wham bam thank you we are gorgeous ma'am! Rock on with the extravaganzas!!! xox!

Funny Comments!

Wham Bam! I read all of the lovely comments from Sister's birthday post and I just smiled the whole sister can not begin to thank all of you enough and when I read her your comment Mary she laughed out loud!
We can not wait to Rock on our extravaganzas haha!! Thank you Mary...your comments always make me smile! You my dear are adorable...and I love your blog!

For those of you who have not seen her blog you must check it out, from DIY projects...which by the way I love the wood flooring...and you and your husband are still married? how did you do that...the hubby and I can barely cook dinner together! Love her engagement shots and photos...
Check her and her hubby..and cat...Thank you Mary!!!
So in case you missed last Friday's Comment of the Week check it out here!

 In honor of all of the amazing new friends I have met, I have decided to feature one of you who made me smile or laugh throughout the week. I really can't thank everyone enough for their support especially when I get all sappy or need to release some ANGER! I love all of you!



THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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