Monday, January 25, 2016

I will do this more

Outfit Details
Vintage All That Jazz Dress: Goodwill
Vintage Choker: Deja Blue Boutique by Goodwill
Steve Madden Heels: Ross
Vintage Metallic Clutch:Savers

Sometimes I second guess myself. Sometimes I am not confident or even happy...sometimes I feel guilty for not feeling happy and confident...I am overwhelmed a lot and I get super anxious a lot. I have a pretty stressful career and I find myself taking things waaaay too personal. But I will say lately I just close my eyes and breathe...I try to stay in the moment and just focus on one thing at a time. I will step away from what I am doing and go and read comments from all of you on both my youtube channels. I swear it calms me down and helps me find a balance in this crazy life. I will do this more. I will fill my days with things that genuinely inspire me and lifts me up. All work and jobs and careers can be stressful...but it doesn't mean you have to BE unhappy. 

Birthday weekend was awesome and this is what I wore. I actually wore a gold  belt but didn't love it as much as no belt so I changed it up here with a vintage necklace I got at the Goodwill Blue party. Believe it or not I have never worn this dress...I got it over a year ago for all of $3 at Goodwill and I fell in love with the cut and style. I HAVE NEVER worn purple...crazy right? You could not find me in a purple anything other then workouts pants I promise. I want to share my outfits more as I have gotten requests so you will see more on the blog! Will share pics from my birthday soon! 

P.S. Stay tuned for a fun Grocery trip at a new store we have in Vegas!!

Make sure you are following me on my Youtube as I will be sharing my #Transphormation! 

JOIN MY FACEBOOK FITNESS GROUP So whether you have entered YET or not join my group on Facebook so we can all do this together! I thought this would be a great way to connect us all as well! I love just sharing in a more personal setting and together we CAN KICK BUTT!!! Here is the link to join:

Follow me on Instagram @ShanaEmily_, Facebook ShanaEmily, & Youtube ShanaEmily, SnapChat @ShanaemilySnaps 



  1. Love the dress I love your YT Channel you guys inspire me to go thift shopping

  2. You said something in this post that I really needed to hear today. About how work can be stressful but it doesn't mean you have to be unhappy. I am unhappy with my current job and it's making me unhappy all the time. I need to do more things that inspire me and make me happy. Thank you for sharing this today.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. You look stunning! Don't get too stressed! If you do try to focus on the positive side of things :)


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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