Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Hi friends & Welcome back!

Welcome to 2020..almost 2021. Yet I can't get the website to say haha whatever...I figured I will get that done in 2021 haha

As most of you know I haven't blogged in a really long time. I always knew that this was something I loved but I have to do things I am passionate about and if I am not in the moment I can't do it..I wasn't inspired to blog...Making youtube videos for ThriftersAnonymous has been such fun but the other day I realized...I missed it...writing..and sharing..and this is where it ALL STARTED. So why not go back to the beginning? 

Before I go into my daily thoughts, please PLEASE let me know what you guys want to see. I am ready...ready to share and get back in my thoughts. So...Go tell me...are you there?  haha You can also email me at if that is easier!!

It is Tuesday, December 8, 2020. It is sunny but cool here in Vegas, and while there is a lot of was pretty quiet for me Sunday afternoon.

Time. Time is what has been on my mind constantly. But having the power to push through the day was always my method. 40..I find myself wanting to revert backwards...almost in denial of time...I realized over the weekend that pictures are what help me STAY in time...and if I didn't capture it...somehow it will disappear. Sad really...but they are special to me...just like pieces of clothing and furniture that reminds me of my family. That is what makes a me.

Special thank you to London Mace, a friend of ours and an artist who last minute came to our neighborhood and snapped some pictures for us !!

Sampson our 13 year old lab has been having some difficulty and we may have found he has cancer. I know..he's 13...he's old..I get it. But I want him to feel just as loved as when he was 1. I'm not taking it all too well. So.

I will POWER through these thoughts and BE in the moment. EVEN if I don't capture it in a photo.

I won't let others de-value what I hold so much value in.

I will always stay true to who I am and not allow my surrounding and others to guide my day and my choices.


1 comment

THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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