Wednesday, May 04, 2022

WEEK 5: HAVSTA Built In Hack & choosing fabric


WEEK 5. I am absolutely shocked at how fast these last weeks have gone. I have basically been dedicating the few hours I have left at night , my Friday nights, and Saturday and Sunday in the midst of everything else. BUT, here is the progress and updates! 

If you follow me on Instagram then you would have seen almost all of this but here it is. 

I dropped off my grandma's couches for re upholstery. I also ordered some velvet online since the store we have here is literally almost $200 per yard for the fabric I wanted and almost a 3 week wait. I am hoping what I picked will work. It was on sale for $7.88 on never used it before so we shall see! Here is the color I chose! 

I also dropped these Ram's head chairs I had thrifted for $7 

I really want to use thise fabric I also found at it was pricey I don't even want to tell you how much. But I bought it and I will just figure it out haha I know I am the WORST designer . 

one of my visions was this. The wallpaper is the Milton & King Almond Blossom in Chartreuse. I know...the color is bold but I LOVE it. haha I am just not sold on the these chairs going in the front. So yeah...ugh 

I am also making my mind up on the Mural Landscape Wallpaper, but I am definitely going to do something like the inspiration picture below! 

Oh and last but not least I built the IKEA HAVSTA. I swear I feel like I am moving at turtles pace. I have a lot still to I have a feeling WEEK 6 is going to be a HUGE progress report but until then here is what I did. 

Before I moved on to the center piece I ordered I played around with the variations. I think  I LOVE the cabinets in the center. and the center piece may have to go back. I am looking at ordering the BILLY Bookcases for each side. The decision is do I go with the skinny or the large one. Each side would give me room on the skinny versions and allow for lighting on the wall or art. 

That is what I am leaning toward. These will go to the ceiling and we are working on that. I will also be painting it as well. I HAVE To come up with the colors before Sunday because painters will be here Monday morning! EEEEK. You guys...It's the making decisions that is really hard for me! 

I did however pick the handles for the doors...I will save that for the reveal though! Ugh they are so good! Ok well You can follow along on Instagram for updates in real time!

Special thank you to the One Room Challenge and Apartment Therapy. I NEED this now more than ever. I feel like every time I do one of these I am going through something pretty emotional. Will share more but until then! I NEED your help on Instagram! See you there! 




1 comment

  1. The fabrics you have selected are really speaking to me!!!!! Well done!!! Can't wait to see it all come together. - Gretchen, KyRoseDesigns


THANK YOU to everyone for making me laugh and smile everyday! I love reading every comment and will always do my best to reply!
Love Always,

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